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Video: Olafur Eliasson – “Your mobile expectations: BMW H2R project” [update]

Come preannunciato, dal 29 maggio la Pinakothek der Moderne di Monaco ospita la sedicesima Art Car, opera di Olafur Eliasson.

L’evento si svolge contemporaneamente alla grande retrospettiva “Take Your Time” dedicata all’artista e organizzata dal MoMa di New York.

Olafur Eliasson
Your mobile expectations: BMW H2R project

29.05.2008 – 20.07.2008
Pinakotheke der Moderne – München

Di seguito i link ai video relativi all’artista e al progetto:
1. Olafur Eliasson. Your mobile expectations. BMW H2R Project: GV’s of the Art Car
2. Olafur Eliasson, Artist: Interview at his studio at Copenhagen on the BMW HR2 Art Car Project
3. Olafur Eliasson, Artist: Interview at his studio at Copenhagen on his collaboration with BMW
4. Olafur Eliasson, Artist: Interview at his studio at Copenhagen on the conditions during his work
5. Olafur Eliasson, Artist: Interview at his studio at Copenhagen on the inspiring aspect of a hydrogen powered car
6. Pinakothek der Moderne Munich: Delivery of the Art Car
7. Pinakothek der Moderne Munich: Freezing of the Art Car
8. Prof. Dr. Reinhold Baumstark, General Director of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung: Interview at Pinakothek der Moderne Munich on Olafur Eliasson
9. Hervé Poulain, Initiator of the BMW Art Car Collection: Interview on the history of the Art Car Project
10. Pinakothek der Moderne Munich: Guests arriving and having a look at the frozen Art Car
11. Dr. Norbert Reithofer, CEO BMW AG: Opening Speech at the premiere of “Olafur Eliasson. Your mobile expectations. BMW H2R Project”

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